A journey through the medicine wheel
This second part of winter, from Imbolc to Spring Equinox, has traditionally been a time of lack of life-sustaining resources and nourishment. It was and is a time our ancestors knew to keep faith, to allow for regenerative death, and when the moment is ripe, to show up to turn the wheel once again towards beauty and abundance for all. After the deep winter regeneration we might feel the energy coming back into our bodies, minds, and spirits, growing the first buds of inspiration and visions, we have had during hibernation. Everything in and around us awakens and opens to the light. The Crone months of winter are departing and the promise of the Spring Maiden is around the corner.
At Imbolc, we celebrate the evidence that winter soon shall cease and fresh flower buds soon shall sprout.
Imbolc is a traditional Celtic-Irish seasonal celebration. This year's portal of Imbolc (meaning 'in the belly') opens on the 3rd of February with the Sun at 15 degrees Aquarius. Until the new moon on the 11th of February 2021, we may consciously align with the energy of Imbolc.
Imbolc traditionally marked the time of year when the first new sheep were born. After a long cold winter with less variety available in the diet of our ancestors, the availability of fresh milk and cheese was a major reason for celebration! In modern times, it can be a time where our faith in what we are doing may be tested. It can be a time of discomfort and also a time where hardships are relieved and new hope begins to grow.
Serap Kara · Why we no longer give heavy energies to Mother Earth
Pachamama is the master of ceremony. She is ever-present. She is sacred space. Where ever you go, she's right there and always with you. You cannot be without her. By honouring this very moment, you offer your presence to Pachamama and confirm your sacred bond of union.
In the Andean tradition the cosmic law of AYNI, meaning sacred reciprocity, says that energy never goes one way. It would come back. Especially when sent consciously. Letting go in spiritual practice is often associated with releasing heavy energies into the Earth.
With being present and conscious with Pachamama, we don't give heavy energies to her any longer. We give it neither in meditations, yoga classes nor in any other practice. It's not that Pachamama cannot handle it. She can, as she is the master of presence, the master of ceremony. · Read more
What we want to give to Pachamama is only love, gratitude, flowers, blessings, best wishes and prayers, knowing what we seed consciously will come back to us.
Simone Meentzen · The Crocus Sisters · Plant Diary
When the snow melts and most of the plants are still waiting underground, the delicate crocuses are already stretching out towards the first warm rays of spring sunshine. Wildly romantic, fragile yet robust, they defy the cold temperatures and are harbingers of spring and the certainty that nature will soon blossom again in all its glory.
The crocus loves the sun, her blossoms remain closed in rain and cloudy weather. Woodland crocus (in German language Elfen-Krokus) often blooms in from February with its six-pointed star wide open- important food for wild bumblebees, early bees, and flies.
Crocuses set wonderful accents in the landscape, they reproduce many seeds and often cover the ground in large areas. In the garden, you find crocus often under shrubs, in the perennial bed, and in meadows. The mother bulbs also reproduce forming „daughter bulbs“.
In Germany, there are some well-known places where people make pilgrimages to magnificent crocus meadows to enjoy the sea of pastel-colored heralds of spring. You can find them in the park of Husum Castle, in the area of Drebach in the Ore Mountain (Erzgebirge), near Zavelstein in the northern Black Forest, or under the trees of the Friendship island in Potsdam near Berlin.
A famous southern crocus sister is saffron (Crocus sativus). Saffron is a type of crocus that originates in the Middle East. Unlike our spring bloomers in Europe, Saffron blooms in autumn with large, blue-violet blossoms and yellow-orange pistils, from which the precious saffron spice is extracted. The mood-enhancing effect of saffron has been known since ancient times: the plant was dedicated to the Greek goddess Eos, the „crocus-clad goddess of the dawn“.
In ancient times, saffron was also used to dye splendid robes yellow-red. Saffron has many qualities as a precious spice and a healing plant of the sun. Known as a natural anti-depressant and aphrodisiac, it makes us more resistant to stress and environmental influences.
Medicine Recipe
Saffron tea is a tried and tested herbal medicine remedy. Use this recipe to combat anxiety and depressive mood swings as well as to ease the menstrual cycle: In the morning, pour 100 ml hot water over 4-5 saffron threads, let it steep for about 5 min, then drink the golden tea with the saffron threads. Think of the warm rays and the powerful healing qualities of the sun while you drink the tea and give thanks to saffron for being such a healing herb of the sun. (Recommended as a cure for a few weeks. Do not use while pregnant.)
Simone Meentzen aka Simi Ninati is an artist and herbalist from Germany. She founded Fiber&Heart in 2015 with nature studies, creating and teaching independent workshops and setting up her online shop. Follow her on Instagram to explore her handmade craft and herbal magick.
1 - 2 february
imbolc, pagan holiday
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11 february
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20 february
sun in pisces
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20 february
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